695,90 810,66 

We’ve worked hard on the FLUIDO T3 2024. It’s many peoples favourite slalom sail and is also registered for PWA 2024


Fluido T3

We’ve worked hard on the FLUIDO T3 2024. It’s many peoples favourite slalom sail and is also registered for PWA 2024 – so it’s fast! For 2024 we’ve reduced the weight of the mast sleeve, which has also improved rotation, so it just pops round at every gybe with minimal effort. It’s an incredibly stable sail that enables you to hold it down even when overpowered. Designed specifically for lighter sailors it has a uniquely light feeling in the hands, but still has the acceleration and feeling of unlimited speed. The new colour scheme really makes these stand out from the crowd.


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1 review for FLUIDO T3

  1. Stephany Bauernfeind

    I want to switch to a clean new WordPress theme for a site, but Google has indexed 2500 pages from the old site (mainly due to a calendar module creating a new page for each day). How do I ensure all those pages remain accessible for Google, without throwing up a “Page Not Found” when someone tries to access it after installing the new WordPress theme. The current site is content managed and is running pHp..


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